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Parvus Suspendisse Cathedra

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Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.
Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.

Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders.

  • Introduction

Product General Information

Locus Origin:

Fujian, Sinis

Notam nomen:


Model Number:




Product Negotia Termini

Minimum Ordinis Quantity:



Packaging Details:

Lobortis vel arca lignea

Tempus adferendi:

Pensio conditio:

Redde 30% depositum, reliquae 70% ante amet.

Facultates copiam:

Song 10000 / mense per fragmina

Product Introduction


1.ABS+PC Engineering Compositum Plastic: Exterior producti fit ex composito ex materia materiarum ABS et PC, quae notae sunt propter duritiem et ictum resistentiam auctam.

2.Antibacterial Lycra Fabrica: Mactandi trucido capita in fabricae Lycrae antibacterial involuta sunt, quae levis, tenuis et elastica est, experientiam mollis et commodiorem praebens.

3.Unique 3D palpate Design: In trucido lineamenta a unique 3D manubrium designandum quod ergonomically formatur ad tenacitatem facilem et commodam, permittens utentes ad intensio pro optato trucido accommodare.

4. Heat Therapy Function: Fabrica munus caloris includit, qui metabolismum localem adiuvare potest et spasmos musculi in colli area sublevare.

5.Clocking Massage Modi: Massager offert tam horologico quam counterclockwise modos Suspendisse, variam experientiam praebens ad collum.

6.Auto Power-off: Suspensor cum autocineto autocineto instructus pluma qui operatur post XV minuta usus, quae mensura et industria salutaris praxis esse potest.

7. Cervical Health Design: Massager specifice designatur cum sanitate cervicali in mente et valde practica ad curam colli. Operatur applicando pressuram, calorem, liquefacientem, impellentem et massam ad meridianorum, acuminum, musculorumque circa aream cervicalem, quae adiuvat ut meridianos claudant, lenis energiae fluxus provideat et copiam oxygenii sufficientem praebeat. Hoc vicissim dolorem ceruicis sublevare et rigorem colli laxare potest.


simul reputans


altilium capacitas


certum tempus

minutes 20

Product Material




Product Size

* * 29 10 9.5cm

tempus usus


Location package

* * 19.5 13 10.5cm

Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. officinas

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. elit

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. elit

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. elit

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. elit

Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. officinas

Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. officinas

Electric folding massager with deep liqueing and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. officinas

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. fabricare

Electric folding massager with deep liques and heat function for neck, back, and shoulders. elit

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